
Transformational Education – Landmark Worldwide

We made 2 DVDs regarding taking the Landmark Forum to Port Augusta, to the Aboriginal people.
‘Beyond Sorry’ & ‘Uniting Black and White Australia’

This project had the full support of Joy Baluch, the Mayor of Port Augusta. A group of us raised money to fund people doing the course because we didn’t want money to be a obstacle

Beyond Sorry

Bringing Black and White Australia Together

Transformational Education – Landmark Worldwide

50 Years in Nepal

Part of Landmark International ‘Difference Makers’ series

Anne Margaret Rittman is a teacher, author, artist, and human rights activist who has had a lifelong relationship with the country of Nepal. Starting with a chance encounter with a young boy named Ram on the streets of Kathmandu 50 years ago, Anne shares a remarkable and improbable story that includes the founding of a school in a rural village, earthquake relief, and a Landmark Forum for women survivors of sex trafficking. Watch this inspiring conversation about a lifetime dedicated to making a difference.

Transformational Education – Landmark Worldwide

Mural painting in a hospice in Nepal - 2005

Myself (Anne) and two friends, Gillian Welch and Rae Hart painted murals with the women and children of Maiti Nepal’s hospice. 
Some of the images are represented here.


A group of us from Australia took a stand to partner Anuradha Koirola in her fight to end childtrafficking in Nepal.

We chose the power of the Landmark Forum to do this. With Anuradha’s agreement we took a number of the extrafficked women to Delhi to do the Landmark Forum. A number of trips were made with great results. This resulted in  Anuradha in 2010 agreeing to a transformational program to be held at Maiti Nepal. It was to be led by one of Landmark’s most senior Landmark Forum Leaders.
The women’s main desire was to gain peace of mind and happiness. This was achieved. Many of the women had been rescued from the brothels of Mumbai and had suffered unimaginable nightmares. 
(Anuradha is standing to the left). This was our first trip down to Delhi. We left with Anuradha’s blessing. A very excited group. We were booked into a Hari Krishna guesthouse so enjoyed the fantastic vegetarian cuisine. 
A breakthrough occurred on the second day of the Forum when Sita stood to read her letter, forgiving her trafficker. There was a moment where she stopped reading and couldn’t go on. The silence in the auditorium was deafening. Then the Forum Leader held out his hand. ‘Give me your pain?’ He said. There was a long pause. Then Sita placed her hands in his. Then the Forum, made up of around 200 Indians, leapt to their feet, cheering and clapping. Many jumped up on the chairs. Whooping! It was pandemonium! From that point on, the Nepalese women were on their feet wanting to share their experiences. They were alive. Vibrant! Unleashed.

We Built a School in Tilahar

In 2011 a group of us raised money for the villagers of Tilahar who built a school in remote Nepal.

The Transformation of the Leadership of Nepal

In 2019 a group of us raised money to assist a range of Nepalese leaders to do the Landmark Forum.

We included women from Shakti Samoha in this Forum. Shakti Samoha are a radical group of women committed to the end of child trafficking.
The intention of this Landmark Forum was to have transformed the leadership of key groups or organizations in Nepal. This in turn would impact the future of people they led.
The Forum was led in English, Hindi and Nepali. Three translators worked with the Forum leader. The success of the Forum was apparent with the explosion of guests at the evening session.
The women of Shakti Samoha spoke with confidence and grace, and shared their commitment to ending child trafficking. The Landmark Forum Leader was Gurmeet from Mumbai.

Savant Films

Rae Hart and I established SAVANT FILMS in 2002 to film ‘The Spider and the Fly’

A film script for a series to be made by the BBC

It is a 4 episode drama based on the female pilots of the ATA (Air Transport Auxiliary) during WWII